Disclaimer: Answers provided to the following questions are meant only to give general guidance.
Q. How many students have attended your classes?
A. Over the years, we have trained over 20,000 students.
Q. Where are the classes located?
A. Elks Lodge, 10720 S. Central Avenue, Chicago, Ridge, IL 60415. {Parking on north side of building – entrance at side door with blue sign.} We are only at the Elks Lodge on the day of classes. Do not call the Elks Lodge with questions. Elks lodge is a private members only club. There are no vending machines.
Q. Where is the range located?
A. Chuck’s Gun Shop, 14310 S. Indiana Avenue, Riverdale, IL 60827. No steel cased or remanafactured ammunition is allowed at Chucks.
Q. What previous training can be credited toward Illinois Concealed Carry?
A. The Illinois State Police shall recognize up to 8 hours of training already completed toward the 16 hour requirement if the training course is approved by the State Police. The State Police shall accept 8 hours of training as completed if the applicant is active, retired or honorably discharged member of the United States Armed Forces. The State Police also accepts 4 hour credits toward ICC. Examples are: Utah Concealed Carry License, Chicago Firearms Safety Course Certificate, and Illinois Hunter Safety Course Certificate. For further information visit: www.isp.state.il.us
Q. How many classes or hours do I need to get my Illinois Concealed Carry licensne?
A. You need 16 hours of credited training, which are broken down into two classes. The Basic Pistol Course(Course 1) & Laws/Use of Force (Course 2). There are no refunds, you may reschedule once.
Q. Does Illinois Concealed Carry License allow holders to carry into other states?
A. Yes your Illinois CCL is recognized in 31 states and Puerto Rico. For a current list of those states Visit: www.handgunlaw.us
Q. Do I need to qualify with my firearm only?
A. No, you can qualify with a rented firearm from the range.
Q. How much ammunition do I need to qualify?
A. We suggest to bring 50 rounds. Ammo can be purchased at the range. No remanafactured or steel cased ammo.
Q. Can I bring food and drinks into the classroom?
A. Yes, you may bring snacks, lunch or beverage. We break for lunch for 15 minutes. There are many restaurants locally.
Q. Can I bring my firearm into class?
A. NO firearms are allowed in class. Lock firearm & ammo separately & leave in vehicle.
Q. How long can I expect to stay in class for the Concealed Carry Classes?
A. A minimum of 8 hours.
Q. When do we go to the range to qualify?
A. Range is reserved for our students on select days. The Firearm Instructor will discuss range options during classes.
Q. What is the cost for the Illinois Concealed License?
A. The fee for the license is $150.00
Q. Is there a renewal for the license?
A. Yes, the license shall be valid throughout the State of Illinois for five years.
Q. Do I need to apply to get my CCL?
A. Yes. Our Administrator will set an appointment with you to successful input your Application online. Processing fee $35. Appointments are scheduled class during times.
Q. Can I carry my firearm after I complete the class?
A. No. You must complete the ICC Application and receive your ICC License in the mail. Your ICC License and Foid Card must be on your person when carrying.
Q. How long does it take to get my CCL?
A. Depending upon factors, the average time is 90 (with prints) to 120 days (without prints).
Q. Do I need to have my fingerprints scanned by a Live Scan Vendor?
A. This is optional. Fingerprints are not required.
Q. What if I was fingerprinted for my job? Do I still need to get fingerprinted?
A. Yes. The Live Scan Electronic Fingerprints are designated specifically for obtaining a CCL.
Q. How do I find a Live Scan Fingerprint Vendor?
A. At class, we will provide a list of authorized vendors.
Q. What is the cost of fingerprinting?
A. Approximate cost: $75.00.
Q. Do I need to renew my Concealed Carry license?
A. Illinois Concealed carry licenses are valid for 5 years. You will need a 3 hour renewal class.